The Art of the Fridge

The What…The Where…The How

20 Surprising Foods You Don't Need to Put in the Refrigerator

Certain items taste better—and are actually healthier for you—when they're stored at room temperature.

  1. Tomatoes

  2. Bananas

  3. Citrus Fruits

  4. Avocados

  5. Hot Sauce

  6. Butter

  7. Cake

  8. Bread

  9. Basil

  10. Potatoes

  11. Sweet Potatoes

  12. Melon (uncut)

  13. Stone Fruit

  14. Coffee

  15. Bell Peppers

  16. Hot Peppers

  17. Tropical Fruit

  18. Onion

  19. Soy Sauce

  20. Pickles

Click below to find the full article courtesy of Dana Leigh Smith and Eat This, Not That!

Ten More Foods You Don’t Need to Put in the Refrigerator

  1. Berries

  2. Apples

  3. Garlic

  4. Honey

  5. Nuts/Nutella

  6. Ketchup

  7. Eggplant

  8. Winter Squash

  9. Pumpkins

  10. Cucumbers

Click below for the full article from

This Book…

Fridge Love: Organize Your Refrigerator for a  Healthier, Happier Life with 100 Recipes

Kristen Hong

Available at the library

How to Keep Food Fresh in the Fridge by Storing it in the Right Place

Take this quiz:

  1. Should I store the milk in the door of the fridge?

  2. How long can I save my leftovers?

  3. Why is my broccoli always going bad before I can eat it?

  4. Where is the coldest place in the fridge?

  5. How should I store raw meat?

To answer these questions and more visit these two sites:

The Today Show has a good article to help you!

Real Simple has some tips!

Other Tips to Help Make Your Food Last Longer

Lifehacker offers an article entitled, “Food Storage 101: Where and How Long to Keep Your Favorite Foods.”

The FDA has a good article, Are You Storing Food Safely?

Openfit offers advice - 12 Food Storage Tips to Make Your Groceries Last Longer


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